Kansas City Personal Training

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Choices Coach: Weight Loss Menu Guide Kindle Version


The Kindle Version is now available!
Download it Now for $4.99! 

I'm happy to announce the Kindle Version of my book is now available. Unlike the paperback, the Kindle version is in color with added photos. This is a great tool for anyone that is trying to manage their weight. It can be used in conjunction with the Lose It! app or My Fitness Pal. No calorie counting required. I've already done all that for you. You can use the book to plan what you want to eat for each meal. It's so simple. Choose your meal from the selected menu I have provided whether dining out or at home, and LOSE WEIGHT!!!!

Here is a sample excerpt:


I love food. I have been a personal trainer since 2007. Before I became a trainer I was overweight. I would love to tell you that after I became a trainer it was easy to stay thin from there on out. That simply was not the case. Over the past six years my weight has fluctuated. I would get tired of counting calories. I would fall off the wagon and eat/drink my calories with reckless abandon.

At the beginning of 2014, I was overweight again.  Over the course of a year I lost approximately 30-35 pounds through diet and exercise.  While calorie counting played a vital role in my weight loss journey I cannot tell you that I tracked my calories religiously.  Even though calorie counting works it is difficult to continue on a long-term basis.

I have trained several clients that struggle with the same issue. They become overwhelmed with counting calories or points. Tracking a few days seems tolerable until life gets busy. The task becomes tedious, daunting, or forgotten.

I have written this book to make calorie counting less of an issue. The book can be used as a tool to plan your meals. Imagine that this book is your selected menu when dining out. The key is to plan ahead and make healthier choices. I recommend planning three meals per day plus one or two snacks. If you are trying to lose weight, then limit yourself to one snack until you reach your goal weight.  If you are working out vigorously, then definitely add the second snack to keep up your energy.

How does it work?  There is a calorie budget set for each meal of the day.  Then I have supplied several meal choices that fall within that budget.  The budget is as follows:

Breakfast 200 to 400 calories
Lunch 300 to 500 calories
Snacks 150 calories
Dinner 550 to 650 calories

If you plan out 3 meals plus a snack, then you will be falling somewhere between 1200 to 1700 calories.  If you add an additional snack, then you will be consuming approximately 1350 to 1850 calories.  Please consult with your physician or dietitian regarding the appropriate calorie target for you to reach your goals.

In order to measure your portions you will need a few tools.  You will need a set of both dry and liquid measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a digital food scale.  I recommend purchasing a digital food scale that can toggle from grams to ounces.

This book is not an all-inclusive calorie counter, and it is not necessarily a plan to get ripped. It is simply a tool to make lower calorie choices on a daily basis in a very realistic, easy way. Once you have your calories under control, then take it a step further. Eliminate excess fat and sugar from your diet. I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that excess saturated fat and excess sugar wreak havoc on your metabolism. I have no desire to replicate the books that are already out there that cover the subject at length.

Fresh whole food is certainly better for you, so why did I include so many restaurants? I have covered fast food and sit-down dining, because it is a reality in American culture. I am not suggesting that you eat out all the time. We all know it is easier to eat healthy at home. However, that knowledge is not stopping countless people from eating out. It is a reality that dining out is social, convenient, and often fun. That is pretty tough to give up.

Several meal plans are hard to stick with, because they are too rigid. They might be healthy, but everyone’s palate is different. If a meal plan includes a lot of foods that you do not enjoy, then you probably will not stick with it very long.

My ultimate goal with this book was to answer the question, “What can I eat?” It is a lot more fun to talk about what we can eat than what not to eat. There is a lot of variety. You should be able to find options that you enjoy."

Want to READ more?

Available NOW on Amazon.com.

Choices Coach: Weight Loss Menu Guide by Sara Moser

Paperback available for $7.99.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Walnut Brownie Batter Oatmeal

Walnut Brownie Batter Oatmeal

One of my favorite ways to have oatmeal is to turn it into a healthy treat that tastes more like dessert.  That's how I came up with this recipe that's packed with protein and chocolatey goodness.


1/3 Cup or 1 packet of Plain Instant Oatmeal
1 Tbsp. Fit Frappe Mocha Protein Powder
1 Tbsp. 60% Cacao Chocolate Chips
5 Candied Walnuts, chopped (or Pecans)
1/4 Cup Boiling Water

Mix the dry ingredients in a small bowl.  Then add the boiling water to the desired consistency, stir, and let it sit for 1 minute. The boiling water will melt the chocolate chips.  If you want it a little sweeter, then add 1 tsp. of brown sugar (adds 12 calories, 3g sugar).  Top with the walnuts.

Pair the Walnut Brownie Batter Oatmeal with a 60-Calorie Fit Frappe Mocha for a protein-packed breakfast (total protein 19g).

60-Calorie Fit Frappe Mocha

60-Calorie Fit Frappe Mocha

8 oz. Brewed Coffee, cold 

I use leftover coffee.  However, you may chill fresh brewed coffee over ice.  If coffee isn't handy you can always substitute 8 ounces of water.

I mix the ingredients using my Magic Bullet so that I don't get any grainy lumps from the protein powder.  The coffee has to be cold or it will explode when you blend it in the blender.  Pour the concoction in a microwave safe coffee cup, and heat it up in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.  It's also great served cold over ice. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

Walnut Brownie Batter Oatmeal
Calories 250, Total Fat 13g, Total Carbohydrate 33g, Fiber 5g, Sugars 9g, Protein 9g

60-Calorie Fit Frappe Mocha
Calories 60, Total Fat 1.5g, Total Carbohydrate 11g, Fiber 3g, Sugars 0g, Protein 10g

Fit > Skinny,


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kansas City In-Home Personal Training

Spring Training

For those of you living in the Kansas City area, I am currently running a personal training special featuring a program design plus a one-hour follow up session that may be used as a training session or health coaching session.  

The program design (regularly $65) is great for the novice or the highly motivated individual who just needs guidance on what exercises to do including amount of weight, sets, and reps to reach personal goals.  

We go over each exercise in an hour long session to make sure you feel comfortable with your program.  At the end of the session you receive a spreadsheet including all the exercises so you can keep track of your workout progress.  

As an added bonus I am throwing in a one-hour follow-up session (regularly $60) just to make sure I get you started on the right track.  The $80 special can be purchased through June 15, 2015.  It must be redeemed within 90 days. 

For help with diet and nutrition please purchase Choices Coach: Weight Loss Guide, and/or consider doing a health coaching session.  Call today to set up a FREE consultation. 

Fit > Skinny,

Sara Moser 
Choices Coach
A.C.E. Personal Trainer
A.C.E. Health Coach
(816) 813-8122

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mother's Day Gift Guidance

Mother's Day Gift Guidance

This is not your average Mother's Day Gift Guide that is just going to list off some cool products. That would be too easy for both of us. This is going to take a lot more thought. The best gifts say that you spent time really thinking of the person and really paying attention to what they like or need. Unfortunately that means I can't just give you a list of great products, because I don't know your mom. However, I can give you a list of great ideas to start you on your journey to being thoughtful.

1. Give her your favorite photo of the two you together in a new frame. You can get great deals on frames from Hobby Lobby or buy a unique frame from Etsy.

2. Write her a very personal, heartfelt letter accompanied by her favorite flowers. If you aren't sure what her favorite flowers are, then choose a unique bouquet from The Bouqs.

3. Make her a photo album or framed collage including all her children/grandchildren.

4. Give her your time.  Maybe take her out to lunch and shopping, but make it all about her.  No cell phone.  No distractions.  Really spend time listening.  Notice what she likes on the shopping trip, and surprise her with a gift a day later.

5. If your mom has a great sense of humor, then perhaps write her a funny poem including funny comments about the whole family or funny things she has said.  Perhaps write a recap of funny memories.

6. Work for her. Maybe she needs some work done on the yard or help cleaning the house.

7. Make her a "mixed tape." This seems archaic, but whatever media your mother listens to compile some inspirational songs that will lift her spirits.

8. Give her a gift that she would tend to give other people. You can really tell a lot about a person by the gifts that they give others.  It tends to be an indicator of what they appreciate.  I chose option #2, because my mother always sends people flowers when they are in the hospital.  Someone that does that deserves some flowers on Mother's Day.  That was easy, but writing the letter took some deeper digging and vulnerability.

9. Take her on a trip. I realize this option could get pricey, but it doesn't have to break the bank.  It doesn't necessarily have to be on Mother's Day either.  You could tell her the plan on Mother's Day, and make the arrangements.  Plan a weekend road trip or a staycation getaway.

10. Cook for her.  Make her favorite meal, and wait on her hand and foot.  Do all the prep and all the clean up.  Mothers are always taking care of everyone else.  Show your appreciation by giving her the day off.

To all the mothers out there, I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Mother's Day!


