Kansas City Personal Training

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Choices Coach: Weight Loss Menu Guide

I am excited and proud to announce that my book is finally finished!

Have you found it difficult to adhere to a diet? Are you tired of counting calories or tracking points? This is an easy meal planning guide to help you make better choices whether you are dining out or eating at home. Choices Coach takes the guesswork out of planning low-calorie meals. There are no complicated rules. All you have to do is choose meals from the menu provided. The calorie counting has already been done for you.

Here is a sample excerpt:

"I have written this book to make calorie counting less of an issue. The book can be used as a tool to plan your meals. Imagine that this book is your selected menu when dining out. The key is to plan ahead and make healthier choices. I recommend planning three meals per day plus one or two snacks. If you are trying to lose weight, then limit yourself to one snack until you reach your goal weight.  If you are working out vigorously, then definitely add the second snack to keep up your energy.

How does it work?  There is a calorie budget set for each meal of the day.  Then I have supplied several meal choices that fall within that budget."

Want to READ more?

Choices Coach: Weight Loss Menu Guide by Sara Moser

Available now on Amazon for $7.99.


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